Lexapro Weight Loss or Gain : Facts and tips

Lexapro Weight Loss or Gain


Lexapro (escitalopram) is an antidepressant drug that is often prescribed for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Antidepressants are usually quite helpful. But as a side effect, some of these medicines can affect your weight. Let’s take a look at what is known about lexapro, weight and other factors about this drug.

Laxapro Effect on Weight

Lexapro can cause weight changes. There are some reports that people who first take Lexapro start losing weight, but this research is not well supported by research studies.

Another study found that Lexapro does not reduce obsessive-compulsive symptoms associated with binge-eating disorder, but it has reduced weight and body mass index. The reason for this may be that the study participants taking lexapro were less binge eating episodes.

There is a need for more thorough research on the subject of change in Laxapro and weight. But the current evidence seems to be that the drug may be more likely to lose weight compared to weight loss, if you have a weight change.

If any of these effects are a concern for you, talk to your doctor. They have the greatest insight on how this medicine will affect you personally. They can also suggest tips for managing your weight.

What is used for the treatment of lexapro

Lexapro is associated with a class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) called Antidepressants. These medicines work by increasing the level of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is a key enzyme that helps regulate your mood.


Lexapro treats depression, a medical illness and a mood disorder that continues for more than a few weeks. Most depressed people have a deep sense of sadness. They are not interested in things which once gave them happiness. Affects every aspect of life including depression, relationships, work and hunger.

If Lexapro helps in reducing your depression, then due to this condition it may reverse the change in your appetite. In return, you can lose or get some weight. But this effect is more related to your condition compared to the side effects of the drug.


Lexapro also treats anxiety in many anxiety disorders.

Our bodies are programmed with an automatic fight or flight response. Our heart beats fast, our breath runs faster, and more blood flows in our arms and legs muscles because our bodies are either ready to run or stand and fight. If you have anxiety disorder, then your body goes into battle-or-flight mode for a longer time.

There are many different anxiety disorders, including:

•  Generalized anxiety disorder
•  Obsessive compulsive disorder
•  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
•  Panic disorder
•  General fear
•  Social anxiety disorder

Side effects of lexapro

While it is not completely clear how Lexapro can affect your weight, other possible side effects of this drug are obvious. Most people tolerate Lexapro reasonably. The following side effects are possible even when you take this medication:

•  Headache
•  Nausea
•  Dry mouth
•  Fatigue
•  Weakness
•  Sleep disturbances
•  Sexual problems
•  loss of appetite
•  Constipation


There is no possibility of a change in your weight due to Lexapro. More importantly, if your doctor has prescribed Lexapro, it will be effective in reducing the symptoms of your depression or anxiety. If you are worried about changing your weight while taking Lexapro, talk to your doctor. You can also ask about changes in lifestyle so that you can combat any weight change.

Also, make sure to tell your doctor about other changes you made during taking Lexapro. Chances are your doctor will be able to change your dose or have you tried another medication.

Disclaimer: DrLinex has made every effort to ensure that all information is factually accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date. However, this article should not be used as a licensed health care professional’s choice of knowledge and expertise. You should always consult your doctor or other health care professional before taking any medication. The information given here is subject to change and it has not been used to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions or adverse effects. The lack of warning or other information for any drug does not indicate that the combination of medicine or medication is safe, effective or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.

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