Opioids : Definition, Symptoms, Withdrawal

A list of common Opioids in increasing strength

These are some common Opioids and their common names. They are listed in the order of increasing strength.

•  Codeine
•  Hydrocodone (vicodin, hycodan)
•  Morphine (MS Contin, Kadian)
•  Oxycodone (oxycontin, percoset)
•  Hydromorphone (dilaudid)
•  Fentanyl (Duragesic)

What are Opioids?

Opioids is a group of medicines used to treat pain. They are derived from opium, which comes from the opium plant.

Opioid vs. Opiate vs. Narcotic
The word opiate refers to natural or slightly modified components of opium like codeine, morphine and heroin. The word Opioids was originally used for synthetic opiates like Oxycontin and Fentanyl. But now it is used for the whole class of medicines. Narcotics is an old name which basically refers to any brain-changing compound with sleep-induced properties.

Opioids Addiction
Opioids well create a sense of well-being or enthusiasm that can be addictive to some people. The opiate pain is used legally for the treatment of pain. When pain is used for relief, many people develop tolerance, which means they need more and more to get the same effect. Some people proceed to develop an addiction to Opioids. They start thinking obsessive about achieving more opiate and in some cases engage in illegal activities such as double doctoring.

A high dose of Opioids can cause death due to cardiac or respiratory arrest. Tolerance for the moderate effect of Opioids develops rapidly with tolerance towards dangerous effects. Therefore, people often lose more than accidentally because they are trying to get high altitude and much more.

Opioids overdose can be reversed in hospital with intravenous nalitraxone. If you feel that you are in high risk, please contact emergency services.

Do you have an Opioids addiction?
•  Has the use of the Opioids increased over time?
•  Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it?
•  Do you use as much as you want, or are more than determined?
•  •  Have you experienced the negative consequences of your use?
•  Have you kept away from doing things due to the use of your medicines?
•  Do you think of taking your medication or using it?
•  Have you made unsuccessful attempts to reduce the use of your medication?

Opioids Withdrawal
The Opioids return can be very uncomfortable. The important thing to remember is that if you are only withdrawing from Opioids and not from the combination of drug, Opioids return does not endanger life. (Removing drugs and alcohol is different for each drug. Alcohol withdrawal and benzodiazepine withdrawal potentially dangerous)

Symptoms of Opioids withdrawal include:
•  Low energy, irritability, anxiety, movement, insomnia
•  Nose flows, your eyes
•  Hot and cold sweat, Goose bumps
•  yawning
•  Muscle aches and pains
•  Stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Phases of Opioids Withdrawal
Symptoms of Opioids withdrawal can remain anywhere from one week to one month. The first stage (acute withdrawal) begins after about 12 hours of your last Opioids use. It peaks in approximately 3-5 days, and lasts for approximately 1-4 weeks. The second stage (acute withdrawal later) can make up for two years. Symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, variable energy, low enthusiasm, variable concentration, and troubled sleep.

In the acute phase there are mostly physical symptoms, and later there are emotional symptoms in the acute phase. The symptoms of post-acute withdrawal are less severe but lasting longer.

Opioids Crisis
Opioids crisis (pandemic) In the 1990’s, powerful Opioids began with over-the-counter pain relief. They soon became the most determined class of drugs in the United States, more than antibiotics and cardiovascular medicine.

In the second half of 1990, pharmaceutical companies assured the medical community that “patients will not be addicted to prescription Opioids pain relief.”

But the fact is that 20 to 30 per cent of patients determined for chronic pain will be misused.

Approximately 80 percent of people using heroin used to abuse the first opiate.

In the United States, drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death. Due to guns and car accidents, in the United States, there are more deaths of more drugs in the United States each year. In 2016 more deaths of more than 64,000 medicines were reported. Most of them were due to Opioids use. Opioids “fentanyl” was included in more than 20,000 of those deaths.


Fentanyl is so strong that it can easily cause an accidental overdose. It is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Approximately two milligrams of fentanyl – equal to six or seven grains of salt – is a fatal dose.

There are many cool figures about Fentanyl. Here’s one of them. In one third of Fentanyl overdoses, the person died within seconds of taking fentanyl. He died so early that there was not enough time for the drug to start the metabolism in his body, and no metabolite of fentanyl was found in the body.

How did the large part of the opera pandemic become? Around 2010, heroin became so abundant that it suddenly became cheaper than many other medicines, and started switching from heroin to other addictive drugs. In a survey, 94% of people in the treatment of Opioids addiction said that they used heroin because prescription Opioids were more expensive and difficult to obtain.

After this, the Drug Cartel found that how to make fentanyl from cheap. Heroin can not be made entirely in the laboratory. It should first start in the form of morphine. Large amount of Fentanyl from China started flooding the market. Since making Fentanyl is easy and more powerful than heroin, drug vendors have started paying fees to their heroin with Fentanyl.

Those who take Fentanyl-lead heroin are more likely to have high amounts because they do not know they are taking a more powerful medication. Which brings us to the peril of Opioids pandemic and Opioids overdose.

Fentanyl is now starting to find his way in prescription bullets. Fentanyl pills are pressed and painted to look like oxycodone. If you are using oxycodone and take Fentanyl do not know that it is fentanyl, then you will almost certainly overdose.

A new change of Fentanyl is finding its way into the pharmaceutical business. Carfentanil is 100 times stronger than Fentanyl, which makes it 10,000 times more powerful than morphine.


Naloxone is used to protect individuals from Opioids overdose. Naloxone is an Opioids antioxidant, which means it binds to Opioids receptors but does not produce high or dangerous side effects. What makes Naloxone useful is that it binds more from the Opioids receptors than heroin or any prescription Opioids.

If there is a high amount of heroin or any other Opioids and naloxones, then it is administered, it will turn the Opioids drug into person’s receptors, and reverse the high and the side effects of Opioids. The person can go for a moment from comatose waking up and moving forward.

Naloxone is administered by many EMS services, and can be administered either in intravenous form or as a nasal spray.

Opioids Treatment Recovery Plan

•  Break the cycle of crime and shame. Make your own recovery with others who are passing through the same thing. This benefit is to go to 12-stage meetings such as Narcotics Anonymous NA or Alcoholics Anonymous AA. (Refer to the link page for more resources.)
•  Ask for help. Have a strong support system.
•  Be honest, and share how you feel.
•  Avoid high risk situations.
•  Learn Restore Restriction Strategies
•  Make your recovery one day at a time.

What is Suboxone – Buprenorphine?

Important: This is general medical information, and it does not conform to the needs of a specific person. This content is not complete. It does not include all possible precautions, side effects or interactions. You should always consult your doctor when making decisions about your health.

Suboxone is a drug that is used for the removal and detoxing of the Opioids. It is the combination of a light opiate of buprenorphine, and Naloxone is a drug that reverses the effect of the opiates when uncontrolled.

Buprenorphine is the opposite of other Opioids in which it does not take as much of it as you take it. It is a partial Opioids agonist, which means that it produces mostly mild high. Therefore, it is sometimes used to remove people like oxycontin or heroin from far more addictive drugs.

The reason for the combination of buprenorphine and Naloxone is that it reduces the risk of intravenous use. The Suboxone should be taken as a tablet and placed under the tongue. But if the bacon is dissolved and intravenous, then Naloxone reverses the effect of buprenorphine, which blocks high. So there is a low risk of turning.

Patients do not have to go to special clinics to get their Suboxone because they do it with methadone. Physicians with proper training and certification can write a Suboxone in their offices, and patients can take it home.

Effects, Side Effects and Dangers of Suboxone
•  Suboxone is potentially addictive.
•  When you leave from Suboxone, you will probably experience withdrawal symptoms.
•  If you take the Suboxone immediately after another Opioids, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.
•  Swelling increases due to other drugs or alcohol.
•  Suboxone Overdose can lead to slow breathing, stroke, confusion, consciousness, coma and death.

Suboxone Withdrawal
Suboxone causes similar withdrawal symptoms similar to other Opioids, if it closes very quickly: low energy, irritability, anxiety, hot and cold sweating, muscle pain and pain, cramps in the stomach, nausea, diarrhea. Some people believe that withdrawal from the Suboxone is as difficult as returning from methadone.

Medicines to Treat Opioids Withdrawal
•  Suboxone, Subutex (buprenorphine) helps in reducing the withdrawal period and reducing symptoms.
•  Methadone helps in getting rid of withdrawal symptoms and makes detoxification easier.

Medicines to treat Opioids addiction
Suboxone, subtext (buprenorphine) is partial Opioids agonist which can be Opioids replacement.
Methadone is used for Opioids replacement therapy.
Revia (naltrexone) is used to reduce Opioids cravings and to prevent an Opioids high.

2 thoughts on “Opioids : Definition, Symptoms, Withdrawal

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