Molar Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, Risks and Treatment

Molar Pregnancy

Molar Pregnancy – also called hydatidiform mole – is a rare complexity of pregnancy, which is an abnormal growth of trophoblasts, cells which usually develop in placenta.

There are two types of Molar Pregnancy, Complete Molar Pregnancy and Partial Molar Pregnancy. A Complete Molar Pregnancy, the placental tissue is abnormal and swollen and appears as a fluid-filled cysts. There is no formation of fetal tissue. Partial Molar Pregnancy can be normal placental tissue with abnormal placental tissue formation in pregnancy. Embryos can also be formed, but the fetus is not able to survive, and usually occurs during pregnancy.

A Molar Pregnancy can have serious complications – including a rare form of cancer – and requires initial treatment.


A Molar Pregnancy may look like a normal pregnancy first, but most Molar Pregnancy-specific signals and symptoms, including the following:
•  Red vaginal bleeding from dark brown during the first trimester
•  Severe nausea and vomiting
•  Sometimes vaginal passages of grapelike cyst
•  Pelvic pressure or pain

If you experience any signs or symptoms of Molar Pregnancy, consult your doctor or pregnancy care provider. One can detect the other symptoms of a Molar Pregnancy, such as:
•  Rapid uterine growth – The uterus is very large for the stage of pregnancy
•  High blood pressure
•  Preeclampsia – a condition which causes hypertension and protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy
•  Ovary cyst
•  Anemia
•  Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)


A Molar Pregnancy is caused by unusually rested eggs. Human cells usually have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each pair comes from a chromosome father, from the second mother.

A Complete Molar Pregnancy, an empty egg is fertilized by one or two sperms, and all the genetic material is from the father. In this situation, chromosomes are lost or idle from the mother’s egg and the chromosomal duplicate of the father is there.

Partial or incomplete Molar Pregnancy, the mother remains chromosome but the father provides two sets of chromosomes. As a result, the embryo contains 69 chromosomes instead of 46. This often occurs when two sperms lay eggs, resulting in an additional copy of the father’s genetic material.

Risk Factors

About 1,000 pregnancies are diagnosed in the form of a Molar Pregnancy. Different factors are associated with shave pregnancy, which include:

Maternal age. There is more chance of a Molar Pregnancy in women over 35 years of age or women under 20 years of age.
Previous molar pregnancy. If you have a Molar Pregnancy, then you have more chance of being second. A repeat Molar Pregnancy occurs on average, 1 in every 100 women.


After a Molar Pregnancy has been removed, the molar remains tissue and is increasing. This is called continuous pregnancy trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). This Complete molar pregnancy costs around 15 to 20 percent, and partial molar pregnancy is up to 5 percent.

An indication of constant GTN is a high level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) – pregnancy hormone – after the Molar Pregnancy has been removed. In some cases, an aggressive hydatidiform mole enters the medium layer of the uterus wall, which causes vaginal bleeding.

Continuous GTN can almost always be treated successfully, often with chemotherapy. Another treatment option is the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).

Hardly, the form of a cancer of GTN is known as choriocarcinoma and spreads to other organs. Choriocarcinoma is usually treated successfully with many cancer medications. A Complete Molar Pregnancy is more likely to have this complexity than Partial Molar Pregnancy in pregnancy.


If you have a Molar Pregnancy, talk to your doctor or pregnancy care provider before thinking about it again. Before trying to be pregnant, she can wait six months to a year. The risk of recurrence is low, but the risk for women is greater than the molar pregnancy that is not with previous history.

During any subsequent pregnancy, your care provider can do an initial ultrasound to monitor your condition and offer general development assurance. Your provider may also discuss prenatal genetic testing, which can be used to diagnose Molar Pregnancy.

How is a Molar Pregnancy Treated?

•  Most Molar Pregnancy will eventually end and the expelled tissue will look like grapefruit.
•  Molar Pregnancy suction is removed by treatment, dispersion and clearance (D & C), or sometimes medication. Normally anesthetic is used during these procedures.
•  Approximately 90% of the women who have the money do not need any further treatment.
•  The follow-up procedures that monitor the HCG levels can be monthly for up to six months or according to your doctor.
•  The follow-up is done to ensure that the mole is completely removed. Sesame marks may increase again and there may be a risk of cancer in other parts of the body.
•  Molar Pregnancy should be avoided after one year.
•  Any birth control method is acceptable with the exception of intrauterine device.

How will I feel emotionally after a Molar Pregnancy?

Although the removal of a Molar Pregnancy does not eliminate the developing child, it is also a disadvantage. Even when the embryo is present, even then it does not have the chance to grow in the child. Most women find that they are dealing with a Molar Pregnancy after the discovery and expectancy of being pregnant. Dreams, plans and hopes are canceled at once; This is still a significant loss.

•  There will be time for treatment for all those involved, and suffering will be experienced.
•  Identify that people can try to console you with the statement, “Well at least this was not a child.” It does not help, but at least it knows that they are trying. Tell them what you want.
•  This type of loss of “normal abortion” or loss and how it differs, it is the constant concern of mother’s health. Make sure you stick to your follow up appointments.
•  Support groups and counseling can prove to be beneficial.

Can I have another Molar Pregnancy?

•  If you have a shave pregnancy without complications, then your risk of having another Molar Pregnancy is about 1-2%.
•  Genetic counseling before pregnancy is helpful for some joints.

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