How dangerous is instant noodles for health know top 6 reasons to not to eat it

If you are also fond of eating instant noodles made in 2-3 minutes, then this article is for you. Instant noodles are the most consumed fast food worldwide. These noodles are very cheap and are very easy to make, so people eat these noodles very much. Often, when the children are hungry, the parents themselves make these instant noodles and feed the children. Eating these noodles calms the appetite because they contain a lot of carbohydrates. You must have often heard that instant noodles are not healthy, so they should not be eaten. But do you know how dangerous eating these instant noodles can be for your body for a long time? Let us tell you.

These noodles are not digested even after 2 hours

You will be surprised to know that instant noodles made in 2 minutes are not digested even after 2 hours of eating. This is the reason that your appetite is calmed after eating them. But these undigested noodles are very dangerous for your digestive system. The digestive system has to work extra hard to digest these noodles. The reason for this is that they do not contain fiber at all, so these noodles break down very quickly, due to which the production of insulin in the body increases and the blood sugar level increases. Children who eat these noodles since childhood are at risk of liver diseases, diabetes and stomach diseases.

These noodles stay in the food pipe for a long time

Usually, when you eat something, this food goes into your digestive tube and by breaking it, the body separates nutrients from them. But after eating instant noodles, these noodles get deposited in your Digestive Tract and are not easily digested. Due to non digestion, they remain in the digestive tube for a long time, which is very harmful for your body. These noodles also contain no nutrients, which can be broken down and separated.

These noodles use a toxic preservative to enhance flavor, called-tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ). This preservative has a very bad effect on your body.

TBHQ can cause early death

You will be surprised to know and should be aware that consuming large amounts of instant noodles for a long time can take away your life. TBHQ (Tertiary-Butyl Hydroquinone) present in these noodles is an antioxidant that prevents fat and oil (oil) from oxidation. They are added to the noodles so that they do not spoil for a long time. You will also be surprised to know that this chemical is a byproduct of the petroleum industry. That is, this chemical is extracted after processing petrol, because there is no use of it.

Why is this preservative dangerous

•  Excessive intake or taking small amounts for a long time can also result in complete liver damage.
•  Reproductive changes may occur in the individual.
•  This has an effect on biochemical reactions in the body, due to which the risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases increases.

Instant noodles are more dangerous for women

If you are a girl / woman, then eating instant noodles can bring different dangers for you. According to a report in the Journal of Nutrition, women who eat instant noodles more than 2 times a week, the risk of metabolic syndrome increases by 68%. Metabolic syndrome is a problem, due to which the risk of diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes increases significantly.

Monosodium glutamate is also dangerous

They are often in dispute due to monosodium glutamate (MSG), which occurs in spices of instant noodles. Recently, a famous noodles company, which claims to be made in 2 minutes, was banned in many countries. The reason for this is that MSG is used in it. This MSG is so dangerous that you can stop brain function and you may die accidentally. Also it can make children retarded, increase the risk of brain diseases like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.

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