Causes And Types Of Hair Loss

Hair fall and its type

»  Falling hair before age indicates a disease.
»  The main cause of inherited or unbalanced diets.
»  A type of hair fall is alopecia.
»  Coconut oil is strong with massage of hair.

Hair fall is common after one age but if hair starts falling prematurely, it means that you have a hair related problem. The main reasons for hair loss include fatigue, skin stiffness, lack of appetite, constipation, numbness in the body, lack of sperms, and frequent infections. For these reasons, the hair fall types are fixed. Let’s know about the causes and types of hair falling.

Hair fall
There is a lot of reason for hair fall, sometimes due to any illness, hair loss due to inherited disease. Premature hair loss means you are suffering from any hair related problem, this problem can happen to anyone, whether it is due to unbalanced diets. So sometimes due to the ongoing treatment of a long illness. Any trauma of any kind is also the main reason for hair fall. Chemotherapy taken during the treatment of cancer is also the main reason for hair fall. Hair loss falls due to decrease in blood circulation. Malnutrition or even the diabetics suffer from hair fall soon. Do not take care of hair properly, do not keep clean, there is problem of Russian, hair gets too dry due to too much dryness.

Hair Falling Types (Alopecia)
A type of hair fall is that which is called ‘Mail Pattern Baldness’ (MPB). It is also called ‘Alopecia heredidaria’. After normal hair fall in their place, they get so thin and light hair that are almost invisible. As time passes, more normal hair hangs, and in this place, they start to get almost invisible hair. The hair is seen to be bald because of these extremely thin and hair visible from the eyes. In real baldness, hair roots are dried and their ‘Folicus’ is destroyed. In case of hair fall patients, 90 percent of the patients fall under this category.

Take light-light massage of hair with coconut oil or almond oil for 1-15 minutes. After this, soak the towels in light hot water and wrap them on the hair. Keep it for 2-3 minutes. This consistently strengthens hair roots by continuously for a few days. Also, hair fall also decreases and new hair starts coming up.

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